Archive for March, 2008

Moving to Tera-Byte

Friday, March 28th, 2008

After nearly six years with Triton Networking Solutions Ltd. today marked my last official day.

Shortly after the merger of Tera-Byte’s wireless internet service with Triton’s AirSurfer Wireless Network I decided to move on. Although I’ve enjoyed my position at Triton, the opportunity of a new position in a different organization was too enticing to turn down. Sometimes change is just welcome after a long stay in the same position for years on end.

For the time being I’m running twelve hour NOC shifts while I familiarize myself with the organizations business and systems. Later it’ll be back to my regular 9-5 lifestyle.

Although I’m not yet 100% clear on what this new position will entail, I look forward to the challenges that it will bring from this point forward.

Radeon Mobility Blacklist in Hardy Beta

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

Not being a man of patience, I figured with the final release of Gnome 2.22 included in the latest Hardy Beta, now would be a good time to jump on the Hardy band-wagon.

Everything seems to be working solid. They’ve even included the previously missing Keyspan module. Woo hoo!

Unfortunately I did run into one major issue, Compiz completely stopped working after the upgrade.


Natalie is six months, today!

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Six months and nearly five hundred photos later, Natalie is still well, kicking and cuter then ever!

She still hasn’t learned to walk, talk or hack the Pentagon yet, but her development has still been nothing short of impressive.

I’m really not sure how the time flew by so quickly, though I’m sure the next half year will go by just as quick as Jessie and I master the ropes of this whole parenthood gig!