Archive for September, 2007

Leopard Screen Sharing

Sunday, September 16th, 2007

The only thing to date that I’ve missed from the dark ages of using Windows XP Pro is the built in Remote Desktop capability. RDP is one of the very few things I’ve seen come out of Redmond that actually worked beyond a satisfactory level.

Nearly three years ago my work machine was replaced with a PowerMac G5 running OS X Panther, ever since I’ve been looking for an equivalent solution for those occasions when I need GUI access to my desktop via the company VPN.


Premature Review of OS X Leopard (9A527)

Friday, September 14th, 2007

Being a technology enthusiast I had a very hard time waiting until October to give Leopard a test run on my Mac Mini.

I decided to give the beta build (9A527) a test run to see what I have to look forward to when the family pack I’ve been eye-balling finally hits store shelves.

Unfortunately, unlike my initial impressions of Tiger, Leopard has already given me enough gripes and annoyances to dampen my excitement towards its release.


It’s a girl!

Saturday, September 8th, 2007

She’s here! Natalie Emily Lemire was born on September 6th 10:20 PM at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital.

Natalie weighed in at a colossal 4.15 kg (9 pounds, 2 ounces) and measured an impressive 59 cm.

To those 60% of you who voted boy on the poll Natalie would like to stress the following: “ha!”